
♥ 17112010

Happy Haji Day to everyone .


The first day of the holidays .
I too late wake up . Damn tired .
And damn bored . 
Cause,I love over the school 's life .

Why my From2 lesson was endding ?
 Why my school 's life so fast endding?
Why the school holidays so long ?
My times not enough to used ><.

At home's life like want go long piak [hokkien] ><
I think shopping 's life is the best .
I started to miss my friends .
1 day no meet like 10 years .
My lover friends . Dont forget me yaa .
Yishiko [ Ah Shan ] . In your's heart forever .

Next year, we 2gether piang [ hokkien ] .
Scold the best result XD .
Shan, Theng[刘佬佬], Yi, Yee, Min ~ 
Yeah yeah Yeah ! Friendship Forever . 

16112010 我永远不会忘记

I Love 2M1 , Goodbye 2M1 .

